Because You Are Worth It
Originally published in One Tribe Magazine.
“Go on! Spoil yourself, Because you are worth it!” These words often related to purchasing a new outfit, or a new car; maybe a sugar-filled dessert oozing with cream and calories, but how often have you heard that phrase associated with purchasing an online course, or investing in a coach or mentor?
Take One Tribe Magazine for instance. Leaders and experts from around the world, in a variety of different aspects of life, come together to share insights, ideas and wisdom with you every month and a total steal at less than $30 for the year.
Imagine trying to hire any of us for an hour of 1:1 coaching, and you would more than likely have to double this fee, for some of us you would have to add at least another ‘0’ to the end of that figure, depending on the country and the type of knowledge you are seeking.
When you look at the amount you have invested in your knowledge and personal growth over the last 12 months, what figure do you get to? Is it more than the year before? Did you implement the knowledge, and skills and at least double your investment?
And I am not just talking about a financial investment, I am talking about an energetic return on investment.
If you have invested an hour in learning how to free up your time, have you freed up at least 2 hours a day? With my Time Mastery Training and coaching, my clients free up on average 3 hours a day, per day! That’s 1095 hours a year and that’s 45.6 days.
Imagine what you could do with that amount of extra time on your hands!
When you invest time, money and energy into anything, you need to be able to measure your return on investment, your ROI.
- When I invest in myself, I always set an intention as to what it is I would like to achieve.
- Do I wish to increase awareness of my products and services?
- Do I wish to gain new subscribers? Impact more people?
- Am I building my team, so my time is better spent doing what I love?
- Am I being of service to humanity?
One of my goals in life is to leave the planet in a much better condition than it was in when I arrived; and I am not just on about Mama Gaia and reducing my carbon footprint, although that is part of it.
I am on about healing humanity, working with others so we can impact the world positively and powerfully. I am talking about creating low priced products and services so people with all levels of income can learn from me; some of them I invite to join me on my scholarship programme.
Investing in yourself shows others you are worth something, and more importantly, it is a way of showing yourself you are worth something; and when we show ourselves we are worth something by investing in ourselves, the Universe starts working with us so we get to invest in ourselves more.
When we invest in ourselves, we are declaring we are worthy, and in return others start to invest in themselves to. They may invest in themselves with us as their guide or they may invest in themselves with someone else; the main thing is we have led by example and people are investing in themselves and we are all beginning to see ourselves and the planet as something worthy of being taken care of.
You see this magazine isn’t just a magazine, it is a collection of insights, ideas, and inspirations. It is a priceless collection of journeys from each of us who take the time to gather our thoughts to gift you, our readers, on a monthly basis. It is time away from our businesses, our daily practices and our family and friends, time we get to share with you; and each other.
Time is a commodity we will never get back, but we believe making the world a better place is worth our time. We believe in you our readers, and we believe that being of service to others is a valuable gift to humanity.
Some of our contributors spend hours thinking about what to write, then they take hours to carefully craft their articles, thinking about what we can share with you next.
Others, like myself, who have harnessed the skill of writing on average 11,000 words a day on a plethora of subjects in either books or articles for guest blogs and publications, allow our subconscious and our soul to guide us and deliver a pure download, after having thought about our next gift to you in the next edition we write for.
I am not normally a magazine reader, not do I normally invest money into magazines, but having done my research I can tell you that some of the most toxic magazines out there which criticise, condemn and gossip about others, offering cash prizes for a crossword puzzle will not bring you the serenity and influence, the inspiration or wisdom we share with you each month.
Each month though when One Tribe Magazine gets released, I grab my journal and a pen, and I read each and every article, writing down everything which inspires me, ideas for my future, whether that is a conversation to have with my children, my parents, my community, or whether it is a new daily practice I wish to do.
Our very own Nina Sadlowsky has been inspiring me with her monthly articles on the practice of yoga. I have had an ‘on/off’ love affair with yoga for the best part of 20 years, and now… well let’s just say I have reached the point where I am looking forward to either my night time yoga session, or my midday yoga break.
The delightful Burt nourishes my soul each month with his poetic words, and his pieces are the first ones I read, and the last. They set the tone for my journaling session with the magazine, and they are a nice closing point to ponder upon.
So, I invite you to grab your journal and a pen, make yourself a cup of something soul warming, and spend time with us each month, investing in yourself and your growth on a much deeper level.
I know many of you will take advantage of the free ISSUE CODE each month, and I invite you to consider how much the ideas, inspiration and insights you are gaining are worth to you. How much time are these articles saving you in the long run? How much of a difference have these issues made to your overall happiness and success?
What price would you put on your growth, when you read, reflect and implement the content within these pages? I know it is much more than the $30 subscription fee for the year, so I invite you to subscribe to the magazine each month, if you haven’t already done so; because when we put ‘skin in the game’ and work with the beautiful and magical energy of money, that’s when true magic happens.
And as the fabulous author Roald Dahl says “Those who do not believe in magic will never see it”.