Poppy or Sunflower Which One Are You?
Be you they say.
Show more of yourself.
Stop hiding who you are.
But only the way we think you should be.
Only the version of yourself that doesn’t make us uncomfortable.
Only the way which does not intimidate and alienate others.
But with so many different comfort zones, and hidden wounds in everyone around you, how on earth do you navigate this?
How can you be who you are when all around you are upset or offended by you so much they make you an outcast and then tell you “you distanced yourself from everyone”, “it was your doing, you were too this, too that, too you and too much of everything, but just be yourself”
And then the coaching world and the enlightened ones will tell you that it was what you called in, everyone is a mirror to who you are and who you are being in the moment.
But how can this be when you are being true to who you wish to be and the behaviours of others don’t align with who you are, and their behaviours tell you not to trust them because you see them gossiping about others, betraying others and behaving in ways which are not behaviours you wish to be associated with?
But it is all about making others happy right?
All about not confronting or intimidating others, not being better than others or making others feel inferior.
Making yourself smaller, dimming your own light to not make waves, going against everything you believe in and have fought hard to become, just so we all remain small, instead of being the leader you are and helping others to rise.
Oh how the tall poppy crusaders have lived long and prospered!
Oh how the tall poppy fields have grown and spread far and wide!
Oh how the sunflower has been made to be ugly in all its strength, and height, in favour of the small, delicate poppy, when harvested brings with it a dangerous poison, when the sunflower brings nothing but nourishment and health!
Be a tall poppy crusader they say.
Bring down others.
Make yourself more and more comfortable.
Numb that pain with the drugs and alcohol.
Hide those emotions and those wounds, we can’t deal with them, won’t deal with them.
Those emotions of yours make us feel uncomfortable, and we are not ready to feel our own emotions, let alone be met with your emotions when we are in a happy place of ignorance, happy hiding in this make believe world that everything is OK, when we know when we are alone in the darkness the only true darkness is the one that lurks within our own souls and has been pushed down; keeps getting pushed down, because it is better to ignore and hope it all goes away, then face the truth that we are destroying ourselves, as well as our planet… and then we find out that “HOLY SHIT! There’s no planet B! What have we done?”
And it’s all a bit too late to go back now and rediscover who we were born to be and live our best lives as we lie there on own deathbeds wishing we had been more sunflower rather than more poppy.
So, I invite you now to choose, which are you going to be?
Sunflower or poppy?
Because only you can know which is going to give you the most happiness; and I am not talking about the fake, surface level happiness, I am talking about the true depths of your soul being happy.
Do not be fooled though, laughing and dancing only when others see you, and it makes you look like the fun and happy individual you wish to be, isn’t the way to true happiness and freedom.
Feeling those feelings, riding those waves of emotions, diving deep into the depths of your soul is the only way to remove the baggage long forced down to the bottom, covered up and walked away from.
The memories you wished had not happened, the experiences which have left you wounded, scared, and scarred, they are now part of you and until you learn to listen to them, acknowledge them and work with them, they will always be a big part of you rather than just a fleeting memory, like a bird passing by in the brief moment, a blink of an eye.
When in the times of fear and needing hope, these wounds will rise to the top, they will bring winter days to the forefront, reminding you of the lie you are telling yourself as truth. The lies you are projecting, and ultimately living with; and when it all goes wrong, the song you sing to yourself will not be the same as the summer song, the one which lifts you, the one that lights your soul from deep within.
And here is the thing, we are all singing songs in the darkness, we are all on these journey’s, different wounds, different fears, scars and longings, but we are all ultimately the same, wanting peace within, and this can only begin to be real when we get real with ourselves and do the work on a deep soul level.
Living a shallow existence leads to shallow experiences, shallow loving of others as well as self; and from this shallow existence life is fragile, as fragile as a poppy, as delicate and dangerous as the poison held within its existence, beautiful though it is.
So isn’t it better to be all of who you are, not caring about the others and be more sunflower? Strong, nourishing and standing tall rather than bowing to the winds of change of others?
Let me know your thoughts, and remember you are whole and complete, and beautiful just as you are, and those who cannot handle you, they are not meant to you, and their opinions of you do not matter. No one’s opinions of you matter, because at the end of the day, you are the one who has to find peace within, the one who has to go to sleep at night, and the one who has walked your path through life.
Be true to yourself always, because it is a beautiful space live from.