Deep waters, like deep wounds, hide a multitude of things.
Out in the middle of the ocean, where I love and long to be pretty much most of the time, life is silent, peaceful, and yet if we have any deep wounds, the noise is louder than the bass bins at an all night rave party.
These deep wounds, painful memories, rampaging thoughts, overwhelming emotions are there for us to deal with; brushing them under the carpet, thinking they will go away is foolish; but then again they do say ‘there is nowt as foolish as folk’
Unless our thoughts, memories and emotions are bringing us joy and happiness, leading us to inner peace, then they will slowly poison us from the inside out, resulting in dis-ease on an individual and community level.
Take the content of my next series of books ‘The Sacral Series’, which explores a multitude of subjects including, but not limited to cultural diversity, racism, sexual abuse, rape, religion and corruption of our global government and legal systems.
Not light reading by anyone’s imagination, but a series of books which address issues which need addressing and highlighting so we can all discover solutions for ourselves, as well as our immediate families, communities and nations.
Since my divorce, and being told “I would find it hard for someone to love me” I have, believe it or not, played small. I have hidden parts of myself to not only make myself more palatable, whilst being on a journey of immense healing, but also to protect myself.
Talking about some of the subjects I have wanted to talk about would have invited in the kind of conversations I was not ready to have, due to a number of issues going on in my private life.
I have shared some of these challenges publicly, to bring awareness of situations, such as the whole Scotland Saga, which I wrote about in my 3rd book Crossing The Line.
Why did I share what happened?
To help educate others. To help others understand anything can happen to any of us at any time. None of us are immune.
And I shared because for us to protect ourselves from the harm caused by the State, which encompasses the police and social care system, what my family and I went through needed to be shared.
Is it the system which is flawed though? Or is it the people who work within the system?
Both if you ask me.
And here is why.
As with any organisation, it is made up of people, and people come with a whole heap of views, ideas, and opinions; which they gained from borrowed beliefs, values and their own experiences in life.
Together these individuals create laws, rules and processes based on who they are, and what they think is best for others. How do these people know what is best for others though?
Most of what these people know and understand comes from a text book and institutionalised brainwashing from the education system, which is propagated by a government who wish to remain in power and have control over the people.
Very few of the organisations I was hired to work with, both in the public and private sector around the world, had people from a variety of backgrounds, hence why I was hired.
Yes, they had the ‘token ethnic’ or the ‘right religion or racial profile’ to fulfil a quotient which is required by a particular funding body, or a preventative measure against discrimination in the workplace, but they didn’t understand the vastness of cultural diversity and global communication.
The work I have done around the world in the arenas of cultural diversity, politics and leadership have not been palatable for many people, and then people wonder why there are so many problems in the world.
Many people will associate the name Moana with the sickly sweet Disney movie Moana, but this book is more about the deep waters of the soul, the deep healing of a woman traumatised by rejection, rape and a toxic relationship laced with subtle narcissism of the worst kind.
Over the years, I have been called a dolphin or a mermaid due to the amount of swimming I do, and the length of time I can stay under water, a name which has stuck, and been grossly misunderstood.
When I embarked on this global book tour of mine, there were many reasons for doing so; the desire to live at sea, harnessing the power of the ocean, being the main reasons. A dream I’d had since I was eight years old.
Coming up with a name for my second upcoming series of books, The Mermaid’s Guide, a series of books on leadership and cultural diversity, gender issues and environmental awareness was easy. It was fun, catchy and as with a lot of aspects of what I write, multifaceted.
My kind of mermaid has nothing to do with the long blonde hair and big breasts, nor does she have anything to do with the world of Disney. Combine the political awareness of Banksy with the depths of the ocean, and you are a lot closer to my kind of mermaid.
Moana may mean deep waters, or from the sea, or far from the reef, depending on the area of the Pacific you are referring to, but this Moana is going to take you to the depth of your soul, make you see things differently, and make you realise all is not as it seems on the surface.
The Sacral Series brings you 9 true life stories, ones which have been shared with me over the years, and of course ones which have been trusted to me to bring them forth, whilst also protecting the identity of those within the covers of the books.
Within the covers of each book, you will also discover the various different ways to heal from sexual trauma from experts such as Sandra Rolus, an energetic trauma release teacher and trainer.
This collaboration with experts from around the world, in various different aspects of the social issues raised in this series has been a long time coming: and let’s be honest, this isn’t just an individual problem we are facing, this is a social issue, one of global proportions.
What will be interesting is the conversations which follow, the number of copies sold of each book, especially when TV programmes such as Special Victims Unit and Criminal Minds can go on to become some of the most watched programmes and purchased boxsets in the Western world.
Knowing these 9 stories are real life stories, and the stories of many more men, women and children from around the world from all walks of life, will that put off the readers? Or will it make them even more powerful?
Only those of you who know about these books and choose to buy them will know, and then be able to choose to make a difference in the world with your recommendations and reviews.
Moana is available from the 22nd September 2020, and already available to order
Accompanying each book is a powerful podcast, co-hosted by the one and only Adam R Walton of The Mental Mastery Alliance , a podcast host with the skill and intellect, sensitivity and courage to be able to hold space for the kind of conversations that need to be had.
I am both honoured and delighted to be able to serve with him, and bring about the global change that is much needed.
The question is, will you be brave enough to join us and dive into the deep waters with us?