How do I get to be a NY Times bestseller? henriette2024-09-11T21:58:15+01:0006/09/2024|General, Pick my Brain|
What’s the difference between an editor and a proofreader? henriette2024-09-11T21:50:50+01:0004/09/2024|General, Pick my Brain|
Creating Results in Our Lives: A Journey from Comparison to Empowerment henriette2024-09-02T16:51:44+01:0002/09/2024|A Dose of Dawn|
Is Amazon the only place I can self-publish? henriette2024-09-02T13:05:18+01:0002/09/2024|General, Pick my Brain|
What’s the difference between self-publishing and publishing on Amazon (or other public platforms)? henriette2024-08-19T08:03:20+01:0022/08/2024|General, Pick my Brain|
Be Careful What You Wish For: Reconnecting with Your True Self henriette2024-08-27T10:46:46+01:0019/08/2024|A Dose of Dawn|
The Power of Division: A Path to Transformation henriette2024-08-26T08:51:38+01:0008/08/2024|A Dose of Dawn|