Book 2 in the Sacral Series

By Dawn Bates

LEILA cover

A Life Renewed, One Blank Canvas At A Time

Looking at her younger brother and sister, Leila knew something bad had happened. The silence in the house was no longer a welcome relief; it was deafening, all encompassing.

Her mother wouldn’t wake up. Then the police came, and then a nice lady. They said something about a new family. Everything was a blur… Until she became lost in her own silent world of colour and canvas.

Her mother didn’t have it within her to abort her. It wasn’t Leila’s fault her father was a rapist. Now tainted and no longer a virgin, she wasn’t allowed to stay.

Becoming a sister gave Leila’s life meaning, then they were taken away from her. And where were they taking her? And would the sounds of her mother’s screams haunt her forever more?

Sacral series podcast

The Sacral Series Podcast

A nine part multi-episodic series of conversations to accompany the books.

We live in a society offended by swearing but not by sexual abuse. People sweating the small stuff, burying their heads in the sand and contributing to the problem due to their comatose state of ignorance.

These conversations will bring about awareness, give insights into the true depth of the problem in our day to day lives, not just on a global political scale, and bring about the much needed change in the global discourse surrounding sexual abuse and trauma.

Also listen on:  spotify   radiopublic   google podcasts   breaker

The Sacral Series

LEILA is book 2 in The Sacral Series