Break Down to Wake Up
By Jocelyn Bellows
Foreword By Marcia Martin
Human Potential Movement Pioneer, Global Speaker, Executive Coach And Consultant, Transformational Leader
Curated and led by Jocelyn Bellows, sixteen global influencers came together from over five different continents around the world to share with you their own painful experiences which led them all to the biggest wake up calls of their lives.
They are not easy reads for the most part, nor are they meant to be. Courage, strength and growth never comes without a certain amount of pain and suffering, and as you will read from these heart wrenching, and heart-warming stories, there is always hope on the other side of rock bottom.
With stories about alcohol and drug addiction, parental pressures from multiple perspectives, the wounded masculine energy healed through the work of tantra, distorted views of the world due to religion and the world of law, body consciousness and the ageing process, this book delivers an awakening for all who read it, and offers a beacon of light in the dark who need it. It offers understanding, whilst also educating and informing us of the struggles others face, and the struggles we are doing our best to ignore or avoid in our own lives. With pages for reflection, it really is a book for your journey beyond the now.
About Jocelyn
Jocelyn Bellows is a Break Down to Wake Up Coach, Author, Podcast Host and Motivational Speaker. In the wake of the ending of her marriage in 2017, she began a journey of selfdiscovery, investing in learning and expanding on understanding why she was the way she was and took actions the way she did. During this intentional journey, she uncovered the truth of who she is and her continually evolving life’s purpose.
Jocelyn works with men and women, allowing them to discover their deepest and truest selves. Together, they uncover the layers of stories and mis-truths that each of us have told ourselves, getting to the roots and re-writing the story. By understanding those base layers and removing the weeds, one then gets to create room to plant a new story line that nourishes the soul and allows us to live a life of purpose. As the host of Leap, Jocelyn interviews life coaches from around the world about their own “leap of faith” in creating a life of purpose and fulfilment.
Jocelyn currently resides in Colorado with her son.
Jocelyn wanted to create an anthology of stories to further develop the branding of her podcast which features conversations around the subject of break downs leading to the biggest wake up calls in our lives. Dawn helped Jocelyn find the co-authors for the book, as well as secured the foreword by Marcia Martin.
- 1:1 Coaching: Story Development, Leadership, Accountability, Business Development and Marketing
- Co-Authoring Selection and writing
- Strategy Development
- Cover Art Design
- Publishing to over 150,000 publishing platforms
- All legal and registration services arranged
- PR: launch press release and introductions to various podcast hosts and networks
- Sales and distribution: Client’s own channels
- Copy Editing and Proofreading only