The Pity Parties of Those Who Despise Privilege

The Pity Parties of Those Who Despise Privilege

In recent years, the tendency to label others as “privileged” has surged. Whether it’s white privilege or financial capability, the term is often used as a weapon rather than an observation. This blog explores the dynamics behind such accusations and the mindset that fuels them.

Understanding Privilege and the Backlash

To deny the existence of white privilege is to ignore history and societal biases. Historically, white men have held power for centuries, and as marginalized groups regain their power, backlash from those accustomed to dominance is inevitable. However, this article focuses on financial privilege and the resentment it attracts.

The Hustle Behind Financial Success

Many who resent the financially privileged overlook the sacrifices and hard work involved. Success often requires prioritizing goals, sacrificing luxuries, and enduring long hours. Those who criticize this privilege fail to recognize the journey and effort behind it.

Real-Life Example from the Writing Community

A recent incident in the #writingcommunity on Twitter illustrates this. A young author seeking advice on book cover fonts was encouraged to hire a professional designer. The suggestion was met with accusations of privilege, ignoring the advisor’s journey of hard work and dedication to reach that point.

Privilege as a Compliment

Being called privileged is an acknowledgment of success. It highlights the effort and sacrifices made to achieve one’s goals. Those who resent this often signal their unwillingness to make similar sacrifices, thereby perpetuating their own limitations.

The Mindset of Resentment

People who attack others for their privilege are often unwilling to explore their own potential. They prefer to blame external factors rather than take responsibility for their progress. This mindset keeps them stuck in a cycle of envy and inaction.


Choices and Sacrifices

Success requires letting go of limiting beliefs, facing personal challenges, and making tough choices. Those unwilling to do this are likely to remain in a state of resentment, missing out on the opportunities that come with personal growth and hard work.

A Call to Action

Aspiring authors and professionals should invest in their growth, seek mentorship, and embrace the challenges that come with pursuing their goals. Success is a choice, and with the right mindset and dedication, it is attainable.

Being labeled as privileged should be seen as a recognition of success and effort. Instead of resenting others, individuals should focus on their own journeys, make the necessary sacrifices, and work towards their goals with determination.

For those seeking to enhance their author career, explore the DBI Author Academy on my website. If you’re interested in personalized mentorship, book a discovery call and starter session with me.

What happens next?

Money Mindset Shifts

Far too many authors enjoy the ‘starving artists’ lifestyle and mentality… not because they enjoy the struggle, but because of the payoff of belonging with others who do not know how to succeed. My question to you is this: Why belong with those who prefer to make excuses rather than money and create success?

With this Money Mindset Shifts 16 page workbook, you will discover:

  • Practical tips
  • Journalling questions
  • Actions to take