How Did J.K. Rowling Get Published?
J.K. Rowling was famously faced rejection from several publishers for years and by more than a dozen publishers before Bloomsbury agreed to publish her first Harry Potter book.
Her unrelenting determination led to the success she now has, and comes with continued perseverance, talent, not just a compelling story – which arrived when there was nothing else quite like it on the market. She has also paid attention to gaining as much business acumen as possible, something every author needs!
J.K. Rowling also had to agree to use a non-gendered name, whilst adding an additional initial to the pen name, in order for the publisher to publish her books. J.K’s stance on being gender critical and a women’s rights campaigner, also now openly writes under the guise of a male writer. Some may question why this is. Well, the name J.K. Rowling is so intrinsically linked to Harry Potter that J.K. needed to change to a pen name in order to write a different genre.
She could have chosen a female name, but sadly, in the publishing world, books do sell more (at the time of writing this) when published under a man’s name. So much for progress!
What are you willing to do in order to get published?