Do I arrange my own book signings and events?

Depending on who your publisher is, and what your contract says, will depend on whether you are in control of your event strategy.

Does your publishing contract allow you to do your own marketing?  Do you want to organise your own events? Do you have the skills to organise your own events?

Some publishers like to have total control over the marketing activities relating to the book, especially if they purchased the rights to your book by giving you royalties in advance. With boutique publishers like ourselves, we support you with marketing your book, help you develop your courage and confidence so you can play to your strengths.

One of the things we suggest is working with theatres, universities and FE colleges, books stores, and event organisers, as you will be supported by the in-house teams and be put in front of the right audience for you and your book.

If, like Dawn, you have been travelling the world non-stop for a long period of time, book signings can be challenging, especially in certain parts of the world where language is a barrier. To overcome this, seek out ex-pat communities which speak your language or places such as international hotels.

When you become an author in the DBI family, we will help you arrange your own book signings, introduce you to other authors, podcasters, summit hosts and a wide range of bookstores, libraries, and event organizers. 

If you are a lone wolf and prefer to do everything yourself, you could always invest in my 7 Week Author Course which is packed full of my expertise ready for you to devour and implement.