Do I have to do lots of author events and signings?

There is no hard and fast rule about book signings. Not the format, the location, the number of people, or if you have to do them at all.

If you do not like being around lots of people, and you do not wish to do book signings, then don’t do them. You can also choose a small location to begin with and build up your confidence to larger venues. The important thing is YOU ARE COMFORTABLE meeting your readers and that you have fun.

Book signings can be a lot of fun. You do get to meet your readers, and if you are a writer who is also an avid reader, you’ll know it is always great to meet other readers!

If you are in business and have written the book more as a promotional tool, then the photos from the event can be great marketing assets. You get to network with industry professionals, potential clients and promote your company, and, of course, yourself!

Author events and signings whilst also being very beneficial for connecting with readers and promoting your book, also help you learn what your readers loved. You will also learn more about what the book stores and venues are looking for when stocking a book in your genre, and how long in advance they accept author/book events. 

You can choose events that align with your lifestyle, hobbies, interests, goals and schedule, and of course the level of privacy and personal space that you enjoy.  

Remember, this is your journey, and you get to do it YOUR WAY, and if you want to meet fellow book lovers, author events and book signings are a great opportunity for this.

Plus, you are going to be in a venue that more than likely has a lot of books, so a wonderful opportunity to discover and purchase some more book for your own book shelves… and who doesn’t want more books? 

If you want to learn more about how to develop your author business, consider investing in the 7 Week Author Course. You can buy the modules you need, as and when you need them, or when budget allows, or you can buy all 7 modules at once. You can even join me LIVE for one of the small GROUP coaching sessions I run throughout the year.