Standing in Strength
By Laarni Mulvey
Women are hiding who they are, afraid to take up space, to voice their opinions, and are intimidated by other women.
Judged by society, by each other and by themselves, in some of the nastiness, most soul destroying ways possible.
Unwilling to speak to a stranger the way they speak to themselves.
And then along comes a woman like Laarni Mulvey who chooses to celebrate women by bringing you this book, written by real women, making a huge difference in this world by supporting women to be stronger than ever before.
A Filipino powerlifter who refused to fit the social stereotypes, with her ‘vest top and power bun’, Laarni has curated this celebration of women, of difference, of beauty and of strength.
Laarni had a vision of creating a book to emphasis and expand on her Standing In Strength movement and community of women in sport. Being a power builder and gaining her confidence and resilience through pushing through the mental barriers of ‘hitting the wall’ Laarni wanted to publish her own story and the stories of others. Dawn helped her source co-authors, develop the vision and help put systems and structures in place so Laarni could spring board her business.
- 1:1 Coaching: Leadership, Accountability, Business Development, Confidence, Marketing
- Strategy Development for the business model, branding and merchandising.
- Cover Art Design from client supplied branding colours
- Publishing to over 150,000 publishing platforms
- All legal and registration services arranged
- PR: launch press release and introductions to various podcast hosts and networks
- Sales and distribution: Client’s own channels
- Copy Editing and Proofreading only
Filipino American Women’s Strength Advocate, Author, Speaker and Power Lifter, Laarni Mulvey, is the Founder of the Global Standing in Strength Movement.
Her 15 years working in the sports industry gave her some powerful insights into the world of sports and athletes. Her observations and interactions with athletes also gave her the opportunity to learn the different perceptions of women across a multitude of sports.
Learning from her own experience and expertise, her own internal power allows her to channel her voice focusing on encouraging women to harness their own unique power and strength.
Using her voice to bring about global change and awareness to disrupt the narrative surrounding the perception of women, Laarni Mulvey may focus on women, and yet her message is to educate the world on the views of women and to champion them to know they are stronger than they think they are.
Known as ‘The Power Lady’ she encourages and leads women to honor themselves, and build a powerful legacy for future generations. Creator of the Tools of Strength Programme, designed for use by both individuals and teams, Laarni is determined to build the connection of Strong Mind and Able Body the world over.
As a Women’s Strength Advocate, Laarni is launching the Global Women’s Strength Initiative to support women and girls that do not have easy access to or an understanding of strength, sports, or health and fitness.
To find out more about Laarni, her work and the Global Women’s Strength Initiative, please visit or follow her on Facebook and Instagram using @laarnimulvey