Choosing what you might ask.

Well choosing you for a start.

I mean come off it, when was the last time you actually chose yourself over your children?

Chose to spend money on something for YOU, instead of paying for the latest smartphone, large screen TV or the sweets and chocolates at the checkout in the supermarket, just to get your kids to be quiet?

When was the last time you chose to

  • invest in a personal development course for you, rather than yet another overblown birthday party for your children because another child in their class had such and such for their birthday and went to such and a such a place, and now your child is wanting the same?
  • ask for that payrise and promotion you have been wanting, or that new client you really want to work with, but chose the fear of hiding rather than the joy of asking because you chose others opinions on your worth rather than your own self worth
  • have that all important conversation with a loved one making your feelings and thoughts heard, rather than ‘rocking the boat’ and ‘causing a problem’, choosing to live with the discomfort yourself, distractinng yourself and carrying the pain around with you
  • reach out to that person you have wanted to coach you, help you, support you and cheer you on, rather than going it alone and taking longer than necessary with the thoughts going around and around in your head, sending you crazy and keeping you stuck?

You see at this time of the year, so many people will be setting new goals, coming up with ideas on what they could be doing, should be doing and lying to themselves about actually making it happen.

And you are probably one of them.

No offence, but that’s the reality.

2020 is the year you are going to lose weight, go after that dream job, travel more and write that book that has been on the to do list since … I don’t know… forever?

But here we are already feeling like it is just too big a deal and what’s the actually point.  I mean it can wait until Monday when the week really starts, and the day after the day after has worn off and the kids are back at school, and you’re back at work, and … and … and …

Sound familiar?

Is this you? Or most likely someone you know?

Choosing ourselves in a world where there are so many ‘should do’, ‘have to’, ‘going to’ there is a pressure to come up with a resolve you are going to stick to for the next year.

But why should we stick at something for a year, especially as 3 or 4 months down the line we realise it is the wrong thing for us, or we are just not ‘feeling it’ any more?

Why are we allowing the pressures of society to tell us how to be, what to do, what to have and where to go, when we are the creators of our own lives?

I made a promise to myself that I would not accept new clients onto my 21 Day Vision Creation Challenge who were not going to stick it out for the 21 days; but who am I to tell people how to spend the $244* it currently requires to invest in the course?

Who am I though to tell people anything about how to live their lives?

Or how to spend their money?

I mean used to be one of those people who would do the exact opposite to what people told me I ‘should’ do, and even now I take what people tell me I should do with a pinch of salt, because who is anyone to tell us what to do?

Why do women need to ask their husband for permission to invest in themselves?

Or feel they have to lie about when they bought that new dress that’s hanging in the wardrobe that’s ‘been there for ages’?

Why do women spend money on their children, and on their home more than they do enabling their dreams to come true?

And what’s with the guilt of spending on yourself so you can become the woman you have always wanted to become? The woman you used to dream about becoming, but gave up on becoming when you met ‘the man of your dreams’ and ‘settled down and had kids’?

‘Settled’ being the operative word in that last sentence.

Why have you settled?

Settled for less than you desire.

Settled for less than you know you deserve.

Less money, less impact, less love, less happiness and less respect?

I’ll tell you why, because you stopped choosing yourself above all else because you were led to believe that choosing yourself above all else was a selfish thing, when in fact to actually lead and love others in the best way possible, it is an absolute must for you to choose yourself above all else.

How can anyone love you the way you want loving unless you actually know to love yourself?

How can anyone else know what you are worth, if you do not know how much you are worth?

How can anyone know who you really are, when you don’t even know who you are…

because you haven’t chosen YOU!

You have chosen a partner’s love for you over you own love for yourself, and you have chosen a life which you feel is acceptable to others, and expected of you, rather than choosing a life you love and being the woman you know you were born to be.

Yeah the job pays well.

Yeah you are seen as successful.

Yeah you have a good life.

But you know inside you are dying and it is time to STOP dying and START CHOOSING!

Choose yourself, each and every single day, rather just on New Year’s Eve, because that is what is expected.

Choose yourself and your dreams for the future, and then create the future you always dreamed of for you, and then your children, and then your partner, and then others… if you want to.

Because trust me, when you choose you, and you know how to honour yourself, the important people in your life will know who they are choosing to spend time with.

They will know how to honour you, and love you for who you truly are, rather than the ‘should do, have to and got to’ version of you.

And if you are a woman ready to invest in yourself now, without having to ask persmission from anyone else, then do it! Not tomorrow, not next week, not because it is New Year’s Eve, but because you get to choose who you wish to be in every moment of every day.

The 21 Day Vision Creation Challenge isn’t like the 21 Day Meditation Experience which Oprah and Deepak created, but it is built on the same 21 Day Principle of forming new habits and building momentum.

If writing a book about your journey to inspire and lead others is on the agenda, and you are a woman who is willing to play full out over 7 weeks, then the 7 Week Author Course may be the course for you.

Whatever it is in life you want, only you can go after it, so grab life by the ovaries and create the future like your life depends on it, because guess what…?

It does.

Find out more about me and the work I do by clicking on this link

For interviews and guest writer opportunities contact the team here or visit the media page to find out more.

*Price for the 21 Day Vision Creation Challenge goes up to $444 on the 11/1/2020 so ACT NOW to save $200